Monday, October 5, 2009

Additional live shows in the Chapel quarter of the Haunted House.
Noch dazu: Live Shows in der Kapelle des Haunted Houses

On Thursday, October 28th @ 19:00 Vaginal Davis will come and perform her piece: 
Am Donnerstag, 28. Okt. um 19:00 Uhr: Vaginal Davis' Performance:

Sassafras,Cypress & Indigo-Black Screen Images, and the Notion of Freakiness
Like a modern day version of French diarist Euge'nie de Gue'rin Vaginal Davis will reconfigure the artist talk as if she is spiraling over the edge of the world.

On Friday, October 29th @ 21:00 Jean-Louis Costes will come and perform his piece:
Am Freitag, 29.Okt. um 21:00 Uhr: Jean-Louis Costes' Performance:

The Witch, the Cat and the Dead Parents
Since it will be halloween, the performance will be constructed around ghosts of the past haunting a child, including a witch and dead parents... and a cat being the good magician of the story.
it will be trash Walt Disney for adults!

On Saturday, October 30th @ 20:00 Bradley Eros has curated for us a special film presentation:
Am Samstag, 30. Okt. um 20:00 Uhr: Filmscreening kuratiert von Bradley Eros


crossing the sea to see by moonlight
the night returns to light
stealing blood on an ocean of lust
the curse of Ocula!
the eye eater
as ghostly ships sail into darkness
to the haunted island of black love
where they drink up your blood like wine
& sink their optical teeth
into the screen of your neck
unpacking their buried treasures of flickering gold
a sweet kiss to reanimate the undead images
O vampirates!, let the sight ones in!

We have also heard, although we are hesitant to speak these things lightly, 
that a medium from New Orleans is here and is prepared to perform a seance for Ms. Baker. 


Mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Städelschule Portikus e.V.
Besonderen Dank an Kilian Bumiller



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